Containers of our artist Crista's specially-
prepared "dry" white glue on her crafting
table in
Blümchen's Ridgewood atelier.
Working with Crepe Paper
It is especially important to use a "dry" white glue
when working with crepe paper. If your glue is too
wet, the crepe paper will absorb the moisture and
then it won't stick to itself. Also, if the crepe paper
gets too wet from the glue, the colors may bleed.
1) Pour some white glue into a plastic take-out tub.
2) Lay the lid on the container so that a little air will
get into the glue. Stir it a few times a day until the
glue begins to thicken. Keep an eye on the glue so
that it doesn't dry out or form a hard crust.
3) When your glue has the consistency of beaten
cake batter, you're done! To keep the glue at this
consistency, make sure that the lid is sealed tight.
4) Our artists prepare their own thickened glue, and
each artist always has at least two containers in
various stages of viscosity. For some craft projects,
white glue which has been prepared to be quite
thick, or about the consistency of softened cream cheese, is especially handy because of its superior
tackiness and "dryness."